190612 - Ana Elina Martínez Insua

InsuaSi segnalano due seminari tenuti dalla prof.ssa Ana Elina Martínez Insua (Universidade de Vigo):


12 giugno 2019, ore 14.00-18.00

  • Introduction to Systemic Functional Grammar
  • Types of Subject Themes in scientific writing in the recent history of English language
  • Contentfulness of Subject Themes in native and learner written/spoken English
  • Text types, audience and thematic organization in the recent history of English

13 giugno 2019, 9.00-13.00

  • There-constructions as a choice for coherence in the recent history of English


Università Suor Orsola Benincasa, Facoltà di Lettere

via S. Caterina da Siena, 37 - Napoli

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